Ankle Tracker Software Architecture

Ankle Tracker

Ankle tracker beacon is an excellent product we can enable the indoor tracking in the law enforcement solutions. To get more information please click the link Contact Us

ankle tracker,prisoner tracker,smart watch,gps tracker,Software Architecture

Ankle Tracker Tamper Proof

We design a tamper proof ankle tracker which is not easy to break, open. it is super solid. When someone use special tools to cut, it will send alarm to the server.

ankle tracker,prisoner tracker,smart watch,gps tracker,Software Architecture

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ankle tracker,prisoner tracker,smart watch,gps tracker,Software Architecture


We provides customization service on software development and operation, in order to fulfill the project requirements, as well as application requirements.

The software development involves different smart devices, such as Bluetooth, RFID, GPS watch, smart watch, OBD etc. We will support on cloudy server building, installation of monitoring system, mobile App development, and the customization of ankle tracker firmware.


Monitoring System

We will customize the URL/company logo/background image of the system login page for your project. It will cost two working days for this job.

We will install the monitoring system on your owned server with customization on system functions, the communication protocols between smart devices and the server, the API(Application Program Interface), etc. You will be able to integrate different smart devices within the same monitoring system, and the data security and system management could be promised. It will cost two working days for this job.

The monitoring system could be installed and operated on the cloud server you rent, or the local server you have. We could help to rent, to set up and to maintain the server for your project. It will cost one working day to set up the server. If needed, we could provide the maintenance service for your server and the monitoring system.

To fulfill the project requirements, we could help to modify the database structure, the work logic, the communication protocols, the communication interface, the rule of data transmission and data encryption. We will support MQTT(Message Queue Telemetry Transport), and customization on the tracking platform for GDPR(General Data Protection Regulation).With the tracking platform, you can also share the device data to other system by open API.

Device Data Flow

ankle tracker,prisoner tracker,smart watch,gps tracker. Software Architecture


Our system is designed as a SaaS platform. it can support multipe orgnizations to use the sample platform and allow the manager to create multiple tree level structure orgnizations. Please chech the diagram like below

ankle tracker,prisoner tracker,smart watch,gps tracker,Software Architecture


Open API is supported to connect the third party software to the tracking software. Other software can access the data through the security enbale open API.

ankle tracker,prisoner tracker,smart watch,gps tracker,Software Architecture